
Greetings from Snowy Southern West Virginia


Over the past couple of weeks Southern West Virginia has received a significant amount of snow in a short amount of time. There were two avalanches if that tells you anything. Avalanches. In West Virginia!

The first round of snow left about a foot of nice light fluffy snow on the ground and buildings. The storm this past Saturday dropped just shy of 2 feet of snow in my yard in Beckley. Then it started raining. The snow is now soaked and heavy with a ayer of ice on the bottom. This is causing some issues that will most likely persist for several more days.


Only a few roads are actually clear. Those that are clear have banks of snow stacked up on both sides. Entrances to driveways and businesses are basically hidden due to these snow mounds. Some roads are barely clear and may only be passable one car at a time. All of this with ice and now deep pools of water due to the drains being clogged with ice and snow. What to do? Slow down. Pay attention. Be aware of the situation and other cars and trucks. Be courteous, be polite, share the road and hopefully everyone can make it safely to their destinations.


We are getting quite a few claims from collapsing carports. Awnings seem to be very susceptible to this type of snow storm. If you can safely do so, you may want to try to clean some of the snow from these structures before any more snow or rain comes our way. I DO NOT suggest getting on the roof of these structures. If you can reach it with a shovel or a rake or a long stick of some sort then you can keep your feet on the ground. Again, pay attention and make sure you are safe, that is the first priority.

Another problem some are experiencing is water coming back into the home due to the ice and snow impeding drainage of water off the roof. There is very little one can do to stop this from happening at this point. Clean gutters might help but that is not always the case. Cleaning off the roof is the best solution but getting on a roof at this time is not advisable.

Stopping the water from coming in to the home is the first step. Getting the area dried and clean is the next step in the equation. Vacuums, dehumidifiers, and fans can help but if the amount of water is large then you might be better off contacting one of the restoration and cleaning contractors such as ServPro.

Should damage occur to your property or yourself you should contact your insurance agent immediately. They will help you get your claim filed and give you some advice in how best to proceed. Above all, BE SAFE. No car or building is worth getting yourself hurt.

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